Full Length Research Paper

Patron-Client Relationship and the Challenges of Democracy in Nigeria

BALOGUN, Osebi Sophia

Article Number - 5FD758E6BF4C6  | Vol. 1(1), pp. 1-8., December 2020  | 
 Received: 14 June 2020 |  Accepted: 24 November 2020  |   Published: 31 December 2020

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In every society, there are forms of association that exists among its people one of which, is the relationship between patrons and their clients. How it affects a society depends on the people and system of rule therein. The impediment of patron-client affinity in Nigeria’s democracy today, cannot be over-stressed. This is because of the adverse negative impact on the nation’s governing process and has diffused into all aspects of its system. This study explains the link that merges patrons and clients in a democratic situation. The elite perspective was adopted in describing this relationship in the case of Nigeria. Secondary data sources such as books, journals, periodic papers, and media papers were used in analyzing the work. This study suggested that there is a need to put a check on the growth of this form of relationship by the government if democracy is to be sustained.


Keywords: Client/Clientelism, Democratic Governance, Nigeria, Patron-Client Relationship, Patronage/Patrimonialism.


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BALOGUN, Osebi Sophia

Department of Political Science, Federal University Lokoja, Nigeria. Email: [email protected]

How to Cite this Article

Balogun, O. S. (2020). Patron-Client Relationship and the Challenges of Democracy in Nigeria. Archives of Political Science Research, 1(1): 1-8.

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ISSN: 2971-7744 (Online)
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Osebi Sophia