Full Length Research Paper

Conceptualizing the Effects of Non-Secular Mindfulness Interventions in Overcoming the Challenges Related To Work-Life Imbalance

Srihan K. Ariyasinghe

Article Number - 603360A570C79  | Vol. 2(2), pp. 11-23., February 2021  | 
 Received: 27 October 2020 |  Accepted: 25 January 2021  |   Published: 28 February 2021

Copyright © 2024 Author(s) retain the copyright of this article.
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Today's working world poses many challenges to employees while compressed with personal struggles in daily life. Worker burnout and continuously recruiting and training highly qualified workers is a significant challenge that affects organizational performance. Therefore, both organizations and employees are struggling to find the harmony of personal life and professional life. There are limited studies that investigate how 'mindfulness' can be used as a tool to balance working and family life. This conceptual study aims at identifying the challenges to work-life balance and how those challenges can be mitigated or overcome through the right mindfulness in a Buddhist concept which is mainly based on the noble eightfold path. According to the Buddhist Pali canonical reading non-secular, there are clear explanations related to balancing personal life and work-life through developing ethical conduct (Sila), mental stability (Samadhi), and wisdom (Pañña). This paper introduces a conceptual framework that outlines how practicing mindfulness could effectively mitigate the challenges of work-life balance by understanding the true nature of five aggregates. Furthermore, it suggests strategies that could be adopted by organizations to support the work-life balance of their employees.


Keywords: Challengers of work-life balance, Five aggregates, Mindfulness, Noble eightfold path, Work-life balance.




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Srihan K. Ariyasinghe

Visiting lecturer: Sri Jayewardenepura University, Sri Lanka. Email: [email protected]

How to Cite this Article

Ariyasinghe, S. K. (2021). Conceptualizing the Effects of Non-Secular Mindfulness Interventions in Overcoming the Challenges Related To Work-Life Imbalance. Journal of Research in Science and Technology, 2(2):11-23.



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Srihan K. Ariyasinghe