Full Length Research Paper

Ancestral Zoophilia: Zoophilic Representations in Rock Art in the Serra Da Capivara National Park, Piauí, Brazil

Michel Justamand*, Cristiane de Andrade Buco, Vitor José Rampaneli de Almeida, Antoniel dos Santos Gomes Filho, Albérico Queiroz, Gabriel Frechiani de Oliveira, Matteus Freitas de Oliveira and Leandro Paiva

Article Number - 6033660609CE6  | Vol. 1(1), pp. 1-10., February 2021  | 
 Received: 8 December 2020 |  Accepted: 12 February 2021  |   Published: 28 February 2021

Copyright © 2025 Author(s) retain the copyright of this article.
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This work aims to address the rock representations of zoophilia in the National Park Serra of the Serra Capivara, located in the state of Piauí, Brazil. The relationships between human and animal groups can be seen within the prehistoric art, and the domestication process contributed to a symbiosis relationship, where human groups chose certain animals to help in the development of daily tasks, as site watchers, help in hunting other animals and even maintaining sexual relations, a fact that has been observed until today. The themes of zoophilia are a subject present within the registry in the Serra da Capivara National Park region, making it evident that the possibility of sexual relations between human groups and some specimens of local fauna, which we intend to address in this article. The theoretical and methodological basis was produced from research carried out on the site, based on the observation of archaeological sites in the region, analyzed within a theoretical and methodological framework described in the bibliography. The results of the survey of the zoophilia theme in 51 archaeological sites of the Serra da Capivara National Park, demonstrated a strong presence of relationships between human and animal groups, ranging from functional relationships, being able to extrapolate to sexual practices, observing the presence of anthropomorphic representations which is considered upright and in line with zoomorphs. Analysis of the rock representations of the zoophilia theme demonstrates a sexual interaction between human and animal groups in the Park National Serra of the Capivara, observed from the rock art present in the archaeological sites.


Keywords: Zoophilia, Prehistoric Art, The Park National Serra of the Capybara, Sexual relations, Human societies of the past.




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Michel Justamand1*, Cristiane de Andrade Buco2, Vitor José Rampaneli de Almeida3, Antoniel dos Santos Gomes Filho4, Albérico Queiroz5, Gabriel Frechiani de Oliveira6, Matteus Freitas de Oliveira7 and Leandro Paiva8

1Federal University of São Paulo /UNIFESP-Guarulhos, Brazil.

2Institute of National Historical and Artistic Heritage - IPHAN (Superintendency of Ceará), Brazil.

3Álvares Penteado School of Commerce Foundation - FECAP/São Paulo, Brazil.

4Vale do Salgado University Center – UniVS, Brazil.

5Federal University of Sergipe/UFS-Laranjeiras, Brazil.

6Piauí State Secretariat of Education-SEDUC/PI, Brazil.

7Federal Institute of Alagoas/IFAL-Batalha, Brazil.

8Federal University of Amazonas-UFAM, Brazil.

*Corresponding author Email: [email protected]


How to Cite this Article

Justamand, M., Buco, C. de A., Almeida, V. J. R. de, Filho, A. dos S. G., Queiroz, A., Oliveira, G. F. de, Oliveira, M. F. de & Paiva, L. (2021). Ancestral Zoophilia: Zoophilic Representations in Rock Art in the Serra Da Capivara National Park, Piauí, Brazil. Journal of Culture, History and Archaeology, 1(1):1-10.



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