Full Length Research Paper

Anti-European Religious Movement and Admiration of Yoruba Traditional Values in Churches, 1843-1960

O. E. Babalola

Article Number - 63C0C4FBCDFDC  | Vol. 3(1), pp. 1-6, January 2023  | 
 Received: 27 June 2022 |  Accepted: 20 August 2022  |   Published: 15 January 2023

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The early Nineteenth century saw the expansion of Christianity into West Africa in general and Nigeria in particular, which was alien to Yoruba culture. The traditional Yoruba value system has significantly suffered as a result of this new faith and associated western norms. African traditions of worship were regarded as inferior and savage by Christian missionaries because of their mode and form of worship. It ridiculed traditional beliefs, undermined self-confidence and eroded respect for traditional authorities. This eventually paved the way for the imposition of missionary thoughts and beliefs. It was this feeling that exacerbated hostility between African and European missionaries which later forced the Africans to break away from European Christian Missionary movement and established their own indigenous churches where their traditional values could be observed and appreciated. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to provide a historical perspective on the many movements that sparked the development of indigenous African churches among the Yoruba in south-western Nigeria. The paper also ex-rays the aspect of Yoruba traditional values that were admired in their indigenous churches established thereafter. The Historical research method will be employed in collection and analysis of data.   


Keywords: Yoruba, Indigenous churches, Traditional values, Religion, Anti-European.




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O. E. Babalola

Department of Arts Education, Bamidele Olumilua University of Education, Science and Technology, Ikere-Ekiti, Ekiti State, Nigeria. Email: [email protected], +2348148070892



How to Cite this Article

Babalola, O. E. (2023). Anti-European Religious Movement and Admiration of Yoruba Traditional Values in Churches, 1843-1960. Journal of Culture, History and Archaeology, 3(1), 1-6.



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Abbreviation: J. Cult. Hist. Archaeol.
ISSN: 2971-7752 (Online)
Start Year: 2021
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O. E. Babalola