Full Length Research Paper

A History of the Study of the Near-Death Experience

Kingsley Nelson Kinya and Jock Matthew Agai

Article Number - 6513566E97FF9  | Vol. 3(2), pp. 7-16, September 2023  | 
 Received: 13 July 2023 |  Accepted: 22 September 2023  |   Published: 30 September 2023

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The stories narrated by many people who experienced the Near-Death is being regarded by many scientists as strictly the effects of brain malfunction. Yet, other scientists are interested in collating and attempting to apply scientific methods in the study of the NDE. It is important to note that the study of the history of the phenomenon of the NDE suggests that their experiences may not be quickly shelved as ordinary or as strictly the effect of brain malfunction. The contemporary study of the mind-body relations from the perspectives of a parapsychologist and a modern physicist are beginning to shed light on the view that the NDE may not be ordinary as generally thought but a field of knowledge that has effect on the scientific meaning of death as the total end of life. The method implored in this research is historical and the aim is to highlight that the NDE is seemingly natural, ancient; and a universal phenomenon that is very important in the study of human extraordinary experiences. The researchers sided with the dualists who view the NDE as first, a phenomenon that shows the coexistence and a probable independent existence of the body from the mind; and second, that the NDE mechanism poses a challenge that can hardly be explained by the monist.


Keywords: Death, Dualism, Monism, Percipient, Otherworld, Resuscitation.




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Kingsley Nelson Kinya1 and Jock Matthew Agai2

1Africa Centre for Theological Studies Lagos, Nigeria.

2School of Religion, Philosophy and Classics, University of KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa.

Corresponding authors. E-mail: [email protected], [email protected]



How to Cite this Article

Kinya, K. N. & Agai, J. M. (2023). A History of the Study of the Near-Death Experience. Journal of Culture, History and Archaeology, 3(2), 7-16.


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Kingsley Nelson Kinya

Jock Matthew Agai