Full Length Research Paper
Impact of Fuel Subsidy Removal on Agricultural Production among Smallholder Farmers in Niger State, Nigeria
Samson Olayemi Sennuga, Ezekiel Oluwaseun Isola, Joseph Bamidele, Daniel Anone Ameh and Mudashir Adeola Olaitan
Article Number - 662BD198E54B6 | Vol. 5(2), pp. 7-17, May 2024 |
Received: 9 February 2024 | Accepted: 16 April 2024 | Published: 1 May 2024
Copyright © 2025 Author(s) retain the copyright of this article.
This article is published under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License 4.0.
study examined the impact of fuel subsidy removal on agricultural production
among smallholder farmers in Niger state, Nigeria. Four objectives guided the
study. Data were collected with structured questionnaires distributed to 120
smallholder farmers. The study used a multistage stage random sampling procedure
to select farming household from each village. Descriptive statistics,
regression and Likert type scales were used to analyze the data. The results of
logistic regression results revealed that the removal of fuel subsidy has
negatively impacted agricultural activities in the study area with challenges
such as increased in transportation cost, inadequate vehicles to transport
produce to the market due to high cost of fuel, poor sales and lastly increase
in prices of agricultural commodities in the country presently. The results
also revealed that youths between the ages of 20-29 (64.2%) dominated in the
field of agriculture, this prompted the researcher to draw conclusions on the
fact that agriculture is a lucrative industry for youths to venture into. The
findings revealed that high cost of transportation affects the price of
agricultural produce while the distance that exists between the market and the
farms is a major reason why the cost of transportation is high. Therefore, the
government should support rural farmers through subsidized transportation,
improved market access, incentives and road networks. The study therefore
suggested that emphasis should be made on thorough research before implementing
policies like fuel subsidy removal, advocating for a gradual transition to
mitigate hardships for citizens, particularly among smallholder farmers, in
Niger State. Keywords: Fuel subsidy, Smallholders’
farmers, Agricultural production, Niger, Transportation.
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Samson Olayemi Sennuga1*, Ezekiel Oluwaseun
Isola1, Joseph Bamidele2, Daniel Anone Ameh1 and Mudashir Adeola Olaitan1
1Department of Agricultural
Extension and Rural Sociology, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Abuja,
FCT, P.M.B. 117, Abuja, Nigeria.
2Waterside Campus,
University Drive, Northampton NN1 5PH, United Kingdom.
author. Email: [email protected]
How to Cite this Article
Sennuga, S. O.,
Isola, E. O., Bamidele, J., Ameh, D. A. & Olaitan, M. A. (2024). Impact of
Fuel Subsidy Removal on Agricultural Production among Smallholder Farmers in
Niger State, Nigeria. Journal of
Economics, Business Management and Administration, 5(2), 7-17.
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