June 2024

Effect of Planting Date on the Output of Rice Grown in Yagba Local Government Areas (LGAs), Kogi State, Nigeria

Samson Olayemi Sennuga, Obajemu O. Elisha, Joseph Bamidele, Tena M. Barnabas and Mudashir Adeola Olaitan

  |  Article Number: 6658BC5446ABA


Research and Innovations in Agriculture (RIA) is an open access peer review journal. The journal publishes Review Articles, Original Research Articles, Short Communications and Mini Reviews in all fields of Agriculture. RIA also considers commentaries and letters to the editor. The journal seeks to publish high quality research papers that are innovative and add value to current trends or knowledge in the subject. Articles submitted to the journal are expected be the author(s) original work and must not be under consideration for publication elsewhere. 

Articles published in RIA cover all areas of agriculture including but not limited to:

  • Agronomy
  • Animal science
  • Aquaculture
  • Crop Science
  • Forestry
  • Genetic Engineering & Plant Breeding
  • Horticulture
  • Organic Agriculture
  • Plant Pathology
  • Post harvest technology
  • Rural Development
  • Soil Science
  • Sustainable Agriculture
  • Veterinary Science
  • Weed Biology
  • Agricultural Botany & Biotechnology
  • Agricultural Chemistry
  • Agricultural Development
  • Agricultural Economics and Statistics
  • Agricultural Engineering
  • Agricultural Entomology
  • Agricultural extension
  • Agricultural machinery
  • Food Science and Technology

Research and Innovations in Agriculture (RIA) publishes monthly and one volume per year. All articles are published in English.

Research and Innovations in Agriculture (RIA) being an open access journal adopts the standard open access business model where authors pay the Article Handling Fees (AHF) for their publications. The Article Handling Fees is paid upon acceptance of the manuscript for publication by the journal editor. Please see
Article Handling Fees for more details.

For manuscript submission and general inquiries kindly contact the editorial office via [email protected]. Authors are advised to read the Instructions for Authors before making their submissions.


Prof. Abiodun Olusola Salami
Department of Crop Production and Protection
Faculty of Agriculture
Obafemi Awolowo University

Prof. Said Elshahat Abdallah
Department of Agricultural Engineering
Faculty of Agriculture
Kafrelsheikh University

Dr. Jay Prakash Verma
Institute of Environment and Sustainable Development
Banaras Hindu University

Prof. Baher A.M. Effat
Food and Dairy Technology Department
National Research Center
Dokki Cairo,

Editorial Board Members

Assoc. Prof. Manal S. Ismail
Department of Vegetable, Ornamental, Medicinal and Aromatic Plant Mites
Plant Protection Research Institute
Agriculture Research Center

Dr. Pauline U. Umeanaeto
Department of Parasitology and Entomology
Nnamdi Azikiwe University

Dr. Priscila Vogelei Ramos
University of Burgos

Dr. Montoeli Ashby Rantlo
Department Agricultural Economics and Extension
Faculty of Agriculture
National University of Lesotho

Dr. Mohammad Mobarak Hossain
International Rice Research Institute (IRRI)

Dr. Ibrahim D. Garba
Agricultural Economics Division
Nigerian Institute for Oil-palm Research
Benin City,

Dr. Emmanuel Chukwuma
Department of Agriculture and Bioresources Engineering
Nnamdi Azikiwe University

Dr. Akhona Mbatyoti
Agricultural Research Council-Tropical and Subtropical Crops (ARC-TSC)
South Africa.

Research and Innovations in Agriculture (RIA) is an open access peer-reviewed journal. The journal seeks to publish high quality research papers that are innovative and add value to current trends or knowledge in Agriculture.

Manuscripts submitted to the journal must be within its scope and coverage. This includes:

Agronomy, Animal science, Aquaculture, Crop Science, Forestry, Genetic Engineering & Plant Breeding, Horticulture, Organic Agriculture, Plant Pathology, Post harvest technology, Rural Development, Soil Science, Sustainable Agriculture, Veterinary Science, Weed Biology, Agricultural Botany & Biotechnology, Agricultural Chemistry, Agricultural Development, Agricultural Economics and Statistics, Agricultural Engineering, Agricultural Entomology, Agricultural extension, Agricultural machinery, Food Science and Technology.

Style: Manuscripts should be prepared using the general style: Font - Arial, Font size - 12, Paragraph Spacing - 1.5 and Page alignment - Justify.

Document format: The journal accepts only submission is Microsoft Word format. Tables and Figures should be included within the manuscript except otherwise.

Language: Manuscripts submitted to the journal must be written in English (either American or British). Authors whose native language is not English are strongly advised to have their manuscript checked by a language editing service or by an English mother-tongue colleague(s) before submission. Manuscript should be checked for grammar and spelling errors.

Citations: All references mentioned in the text must be listed in the reference section and vice versa. Also tables and figures (or other additional materials) used must be provided and cited within the text.

Originality: Authors are fully responsible for the accuracy of the material in the manuscript. It must be noted that all submissions are author(s) original work and where necessary due approval have been received for materials with copyrights. Also the manuscripts submitted have not been previously published or under consideration in another journal.

Original Research Articles: Such submissions are divided into an abstract, introduction, materials and methods, results and discussions, conclusions and references. They should describe new and carefully confirmed findings. The research methods should be given in sufficient detail for verification and easy reproduction by other researchers.

Short Communications: Such submissions are articles with a simple layout containing limited data. These article types are suitable for recording the results of complete small investigations or summary of new models, innovative methods or techniques. Short communications are within 5 to 9 manuscript pages in length and may also carry same headings as Research Papers.

Review Articles: A summary and discussion of the relevant literature. No particular format is required for these submissions. However, they should be concise, informative and must cover topics of current trends or importance.

Mini Reviews: These submissions are brief versions of the Review Articles. Mini Reviews are within 4 to 8 manuscript pages in length.

Manuscripts submitted should be properly structured with clearly defined sections. These include:

Title: Should be brief and informative.

Author(s) list and affiliation: The names of authors should be provided correctly (first-name, middle-name and surname). Affiliation should include departments, institution, country, emails and phone numbers.

Corresponding author: The corresponding author should be clearly indicated. He/she is responsible for all communications with the editorial office during and after the publication process.

Abstract: The abstract should briefly contain the purpose of the study, the main results and conclusions. The abstract should not be more than 250 words with 5 to 10 keywords following immediately.

Introduction: A brief introduction giving an adequate background of the study, statement of problem, the aim and objectives.

Materials and method: The section should provide sufficient information for other researchers to reproduce. Also methods used from previous publications should be duly referenced.

Results and discussion: Results and discussion can be combined into a single section or treated separately. The section should have enough details for readers to fully understand the data reported in figures and tables and also explore the significance of the results of the work.

Tables and Figures: Tables and Figures should be numbered consecutively with accompanied title and legend respectively. Tables should be sent as editable text and not images. Figures types should include JPEG, TIFF and Microsoft Word files. Where necessary, footnotes can also be pasted under tables with proper description of abbreviations or other additional information.

Conclusion(s): Conclusions based on the finding. However, it may not be necessary if it can be included in the discussion section.

Acknowledgements: In this section contributions from those who played a part in the preparation of the research but do not meet the criteria for authorship should be listed. Sources of funds, grants etc can also be mentioned.

Conflict of interest Statement: A statement declaring conflict of interest should be included.

References: References cited in the text, tables and figures should be listed in this section. Authors are responsible for the accuracy of the references. References cited as “in press” are assumed to be accepted. Unnecessary self citations should be avoided. DOIs should be included if available.

Fadare, O. A., Akerele, D. & Toritseju, B. (2014). Factors Influencing Adoption Decisions of Maize Farmers in Nigeria. International Journal of Food and Agricultural Economics, 2(3), 45-54.
Oto, J. O. & Shimayohol, D. (2011). Extension communication channels' usage and preference by farmers in Benue State, Nigeria. Journal of Agricultural Extension and Rural Development, 3(5), 88-94.

Authors should send an email to [email protected] with the following attachments:

1. Cover letter: Confirming the ownership and originality of the manuscript, consent of all listed authors to publish in the journal and that the manuscript is not being considered in another journal.
2. Manuscript: In Microsoft Word format according to journal format. Tables and Figures should be included within the manuscript except otherwise.
3. Supplementary materials (if any): Depending on the nature of submission.

By submitting your manuscript to the journal you are agreeing to pay the Article Handling Fee (AHF) when the paper is accepted for publication. Please see Article Handling Fees for more details.

For more information or inquiries kindly send an email to [email protected] and/or [email protected] 

RIIA Articles

June 2024

Effect of Planting Date on the Output of Rice Grown in Yagba Local Government Areas (LGAs), Kogi State, Nigeria

Farmers grow rice beyond the ideal planting window due to unfavorable weather and the ongoing shift in conditions that boost p...

Samson Olayemi Sennuga, Obajemu O. Elisha, Joseph Bamidele, Tena M. Barnabas and Mudashir Adeola Olaitan

  |  Article Number: 6658BC5446ABA


Abbreviation: Res. Innov. Agric.
Start Year: 2024
Published Articles: